Heather O'Rourke Forest Conservation ChantalLauraHandley

Heather O'Rourke Forest Conservation

Heather O'Rourke


I was truly honoured to be asked bythe Heather O'Rourke Forest Conservation to create a portrait for their website.  Two things which are really close to my heart, Poltergeist and Trees!

Heather O'Rourke is infamous as "Carol Anne" in the classic horror film "Poltergeist". To honour her memory and pay tribute to Heather, I will donate sales of 50% of the portrait prints of Heather, towards planting trees in a forest through the Arbour Day Foundation.

If you wish to donate to Heather's Conservation directly, you can do so through the Heather O'Rourke Forest Conservation

Head to my print gallery to buy a print of Heather and plant a tree! www.chantallaurahandley.com


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